Are you seeking answers, guidance or counselling?

Christine’s guided counselling is a gentle, intuitive yet concise approach to overcoming any fears, anxiety, depression or obstacles in your life.

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boy on the beach image

Through her expert guidance, Christine’s easy to follow yet comprehensive phased approach achieves results quickly and effectively, helping you to:

  1. Make sense of feelings and events that may be troubling you
  2. See the bigger picture of your experience and how you can turn this to your advantage
  3. Bring a sense of calm and peace to any situation that triggers you
  4. Build resilience in dealing with sensitive or challenging issues
  5. Empower you to take charge of your own life

“Christine is warm-hearted, calming, honest and her caring nature shines through when she shares her messages with you.”    —  Suzy

If you or anyone you know experiences any of the following issues:

  1. Feeling consistently low and miserable
  2. Feeling tired all the time
  3. Overly emotional or withdrawn
  4. Sleep or weight difficulties
  5. Breathlessness and/or racing heart
  6. Shaking and trembling

Christine's guidance may be of benefit.

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Pai Wai waterfall image

“Working with Christine encourages acceptance in yourself, joining a puzzle that comes together step by step, for a life lived well.”    —  Janette

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We all experience difficult times in our lives, sometimes they can be overwhelming or just create blocks for us where it is difficult to see any solution. Christine’s spiritual approach with clear, easy to follow techniques allows you to feel empowered and take back control of your life in gentle easy steps.

Please book by contacting Christine on +61 (0) 408 869 965 or email here.